Think about this, you just bombed a test, while the rest of the class aced that same test. You are probably wishing that one of those kids who aced the test was you.  So what those students aced the test, you are perfect the way you are and God doesn't want you to be any different. Still you are feeling guilty, no need. No one is perfect, we all sin. No one, absolutely No One, can ace every test. Maybe next time you'll just have to study harder to get a better grade. Just remember that no matter what you get on your next test, God will still love you just as much. That's another part of the truth of God's everlasting love!!  :)      :)


My dad and I are doing a book thing together. It lasts for 20 weeks. Each week I get a new assignment to do, this week my assignment is to...

Journal about the truth of God's everlasting love... (well, that's the first part)

I think that the truth of God's everlasting love is that He will never stop loving you. Think about it, even when you do something wrong, He doesn't keep reminding you about it, He puts you back on track. He doesn't focus on what you have done, but what you are and will be doing. You are His child, and no matter what you've done, He loves you.

The other part of the assignment is to, Show an act of kindness or love to someone in your family this week. I know this may be hard for some of us, but God tells us to," Honor our mother and father." God also wants us to love our siblings. This could mean giving your little brother the last chocolate chip cookie, or letting your little sister pick out the movie she wants to watch. I know siblings can be annoying, but they love you, and deep down, you love them too.